The support of younger generations begins before university or a doctorate career. The CRC 871 aims to motivate school students to study an engineering study programme and to show how attractive it is to pursue a career in industry and in engineering sciences.
One of the main events of CRC 871 is “Pupils-Teachers-Day” (Schüler-Lehrer-Tag) which is held under the motto “Discover Technique”: This event offers senior class students and teachers the possibility to conduct practical experiments taken directly from CRC 871 research and to obtain a first idea of what it is like to study at a university.
The CRC 871 is also involved in other projects and events that motivate school students to become involved in technical subjects:
- Leibniz Junior Lab School Tour of the CRC SFB 871 together with uniKIK
- Girls and Technique Congress at the PZH
- Ideas Expo
You will find more information on other programmes and events for school students here: www.unikik.uni-hannover.de.
Bachelor and Master Students
The CRC 871 offers students the possibility to conduct a thesis project (Bachelor, Master) and to acquire further qualifications by working on a current and relevant research subject. Students can also work as undergraduate assistants on a CRC 871 subproject to gain practical experience and deepen their scientific knowledge.
The CRC 871 offers graduates the possibility to conduct a doctorate thesis and also offers many seminars and workshops on the following subjects:
- Academic Writing
- Communicating and Presenting
- Methods for project planning and management
- Career planning for doctorate students
Doctorate students can also participate in the Educational Programmes offered by the Graduate Academy and the Personnel Department of the Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Female doctorate students can find more information on support programmes at our equal opportunities webpage.
Young Scientists / Postdoctorates
Several postdoctorates are supervising subprojects in the CRC 871 enabling them to pursue a scientific career and the possibility to conduct a habilitation thesis.