International Scientific Journal Paper, peer-reviewed
(2022): A regeneration process chain with an integrated decision support system for individual regeneration processes based on a virtual twin, International Journal of Production Research
DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2022.2051089 -
(2021): EngiO – Object-oriented framework for engineering optimization, Advances in Engineering Software 153 (1), S. 102959
DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2020.102959 -
(2021): Multiobjective Approach Toward Optimized Patch Repairs of Blisk Blades, AIAA Journal 22 (5), S. 1–12
DOI: 10.2514/1.J060723 -
(2021): Anticipatory Online Compensation of Tool Deflection Using a Priori Information from Process Planning., JMMP 5 (3), S. 90.
DOI: 10.3390/jmmp5030090 -
(2021): Identification of rake and flank face engagement parameters using a dexel-based material removal simulation with an oriented sweep volume., CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35 (1), S. 146–157
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2021.06.002 -
(2021): Model-Based Approach for Assessing Planning Quality in Production Logistics, IEEE Access 9, S. 115077–115089
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3104717 -
(2021): Thermally Sprayed Nickel-Based Repair Coatings for High-Pressure Turbine Blades: Controlling Void Formation during a Combined Brazing and Aluminizing Process, Coatings 11 (6), S. 725
DOI: 10.3390/coatings11060725 -
(2021): Efficient reliability analysis of complex systems in consideration of imprecision., Reliability Engineering & System Safety 216 (2), S. 107972
DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2021.107972 -
(2020): Influence of combined compressor and turbine deterioration on the overall performance of a jet engine using RANS simulation and Pseudo Bond Graph approach, J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc. 4:296–308
DOI: 10.33737/jgpps/131109 -
(2020): Influence of combined compressor and turbine deterioration on the overall performance of a jet engine using RANS simulation and Pseudo Bond Graph approach, J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc. 4 (3), S. 296–308
DOI: 10.33737/jgpps/131109 -
(2020): Material Disposition and Scheduling in Regeneration Processes using Prognostic Data Mining, Procedia Manufacturing 43 (2020) 208–214
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.138 -
(2020): Simultaneous structuring and scheduling of multiple projects with flexible project structures, J Bus Econ 90 (5-6), S. 679–711
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-020-00993-z -
(2020): Resilience Decision-Making for Complex Systems, ASME J. Risk Uncertainty Part B. Jun 2020, 6(2): 020901
DOI: 10.1115/1.4044907 -
(2020): Application of a titanium filler metal by cold gas dynamic spraying, Thermal Spray Bulletin 72 (2020) [2] 108 - 113
(2020): A two-objective design optimisation approach for blending repairs of damaged compressor blisks, Aerospace Science and Technology 105, 106022
DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2020.106022 -
(2020): Numerical Study of Stage Roughness Variations in a High Pressure Compressor, JGPP 11 (3), S. 16–25
DOI: 10.1007/s11573-020-00993-z. -
(2020): Improving MRO order processing by means of advanced technological diagnostics and data mining approaches, Procedia Manufacturing 43, S. 688–695
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.121 -
(2019): Towards an autonomous maintenance, repair and overhaul process, Procedia Manufacturing 40, S. 77–82
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2020.02.014 -
(2019): Surface roughness of real operationally used compressor blade and blisk, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 1-10
DOI: 10.1177/0954410019843438 -
(2019): Reliability Analysis of an Axial Compressor Based on One-Dimensional Flow Modeling and Survival Signature., ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems,Part B: Mechanical Engineering SEPTEMBER 2019, Vol. 5, 031003-1 - 031003-9
DOI: 10.1115/1.4043150. -
(2019): Resilience Decision-Making For Complex Systems, The ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering
DOI: 10.1115/1.4044907 -
(2018): Technology-based Re-contouring of Blade Integrated Disks After Weld Repair, J. of Materi Eng and Perform 27, 2018 (1), 253-260
DOI: 10.1115/1.4040738 -
(2018): Deterioration effects of coupled blisk blades, J. Glob. Power Propuls. Soc. 2:465–476
DOI: 10.22261/JGPPS.CKB8N6 -
(2018): Sensitivity analysis of blisk airfoil wear , International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power 2018, 3(2), 14
DOI: 10.3390/ijtpp3020014 -
(2018): Deterioration effects of coupled blisk blades, Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society. 2: 465–476.
DOI: 10.22261/JGPPS.CKB8N6 -
(2018): Surface Roughness Impact on Low-Pressure Turbine Performance Due to Operational Deterioration, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 140(6): 062601
DOI: 10.1115/1.4038246 -
(2018): High order sensitivity analysis of a mistuned blisk including intentional mistuning , Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 55 (1), 353-368
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.1.353 -
(2018): The Effect of SiC Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Gas Tungsten Arc-WeldedTi-6Al-4V Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2018 (27) (1), 253--230
DOI: 10.1007/s11665-017-3091-y -
(2018): Einsatz von Data Mining im Regenerationsprozess von Schienenfahrzeug-Transformatoren, ZWF 113 (12), S. 814–818
DOI: 10.3139/104.112025 -
(2018): Comparison of sensitivities to geometrical properties of front and aft high pressure compressor stages, CEAS Aeronautical Journal 9, 135–146
DOI: 10.1007/s13272-018-0281-8 -
(2018): Efficient structural analysis of gas turbine blades, Aircraft Eng & Aerospace Tech (Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology) 90 (9), S. 1305–1316
DOI: 10.1108/AEAT-05-2016-0085 -
(2018): Profit-oriented scheduling of resource-constrained projects with flexible capacity constraints, Bus Res 11, S. 329—356
DOI: 10.1007/s40685-018-0063-5 -
(2017): Design of individual re-contouring processes, Procedia Manufacturing 14, 76-88
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.11.009 -
(2017): Failure Detection in an Annular Combustion Chamber with Experimental and Numerical Methods, J Aeronaut Aerospace Eng 6:193
DOI: 10.4172/2168-9792.1000193 -
(2017): Residual stress formation after re-contouring of micro-plasma welded Ti-6Al-4 V parts by means of ball end milling, Materials Science and Engineering Technology 2017, 1034-1039
DOI: 10.1002/mawe.201600743 -
(2017): Experimental Investigation of the Aerodynamic Effect of Local Surface Roughness on a Turbine Blade, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power System
(2017): Forced Response Excitation due to Stagger Angle Variation in a Multi-Stage Axial Turbine, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems Volume 9 (Number 3), 1--11
(2017): Single-crystal turbine blade repair by laser cladding and remelting, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 2017 (19), 196--199
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2017.04.001 -
(2017): Vibration-insensitive Low Coherence Interferometer (LCI) for the Measurement of Technical Surfaces, Measurement
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2017.03.010 -
(2017): Fringe projection profilometry using rigid and flexible endoscopes, tm - Technisches Messen 84 (2)
DOI: 10.1515/teme-2016-0054 -
(2017): A Combined Brazing and Aluminizing Process for Repairing Turbine Blades by Thermal Spraying Using the Coating System NiCrSi/NiCoCrAlY/Al, J Therm Spray Tech 9 (1), S. 13
DOI: 10.1007/s11666-017-0612-z -
(2017): Future regeneration processes for high-pressure turbine blades, CEAS Aeronautical Journal 2017 (online)
DOI: 10.1007/s13272-017-0277-9 -
(2017): Laser cladding for cracked CMSX-4 single-crystalline turbine parts, Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4 (1), 13-23
DOI: 10.1007/s40516-016-0033-8 -
(2016): Probabilistic vibration and lifetime analysis of regenerated turbomachinery blades, Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science 3 (4), S. 503–521
DOI: 10.12989/aas.2016.3.4.503 -
(2016): Repairing parts from nickel base material alloy by laser cladding and ball end milling, In: Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 10 (4-5), S. 433–441
DOI: 10.1007/s11740-016-0690-7 -
(2016): Applications of High Frequency Eddy Current Technology for Material Characterization of Thin Coatings, In: Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 2016 (6), S. 185–191
DOI: 10.17265/2161-6213/2016.7-8.001 -
(2016): Resulting Aerodynamic Losses of Combinations of Localized Roughness Patches on Turbine Blades, AIAA Journal 54 (8), S. 2552–2555
DOI: 10.2514/1.J054602 -
(2016): Combining ART and FBP for improved fidelity of tomographic BOS, Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (9), S. 097001
DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/27/9/097001 -
(2016): Automatic Detection of Defects in a Swirl Burner Array Through an Exhaust Jet Pattern Analysis, In: J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 139 (3)
DOI: 10.1115/1.4034449 -
(2016): A Method to Reduce the Energy Localization in Mistuned Bladed Disks by Application-Specific Blade Pattern Arrangement, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 138 (9), S. 092502
DOI: 10.1115/1.4032739 -
(2016): Quality- and profit-oriented scheduling of resource-constrained projects with flexible project structure via a genetic algorithm, European Journal of Industrial Engineering 10(5), S. 574--595
DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2016.078807 -
(2016): Designing Capacity Synchronization within the Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods, In: Universal Journal of Management 2016 (4(10)), S. 581
DOI: 10.13189/ujm.2016.041008 -
(2016): Surface topography after re-contouring of welded Ti-6Al-4V parts by means of 5-axis ball nose end milling, Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol. 85 (5-8), S. 1585–1602
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-7885-5 -
(2016): Rigid and flexible endoscopes for three dimensional measurement of inside machine parts using fringe projection, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2016.05.023 -
(2016): Turbine blade wear and damage – An overview of advanced characterization techniques, Materials Testing 58 (5), S. 389–394
DOI: 10.3139/120.110872 -
(2016): Improving contour based pose estimation for fast 3D measurement of free form objects, Measurement 92 (92), S. 79–82
DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.093 -
(2016): Multiscale measurement of air foils with data fusion of three optical inspection systems, In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 2016
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2016.07.006 -
(2016): A Raspberry Pi Based Portable Endoscopic 3D Measurement System, In: Electronics 5 (3), S. 43
DOI: 10.3390/electronics5030043 -
(2016): Reduction of Disassembly Forces for Detaching Components with Solidified Assembly Connections., Procedia CIRP 44, S. 328–333
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.006. -
(2016): Low-coherence interferometry based roughness measurement on turbine blade surfaces using wavelet analysis, In: Optics and Lasers in Engineering 82, S. 113–121
DOI: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2016.02.011 -
(2015): Experimentally Verified Study of Regeneration-Induced Forced Response in Axial Turbines, Journal of Turbomachinery 137 (3), S. 1–10
DOI: 10.1115/1.4028350 -
(2015): Transient Amplitude Amplification of Mistuned Blisks Bonhage, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 137 (11), S. 1125-02
DOI: 10.1115/1.4030278 -
(2015): Engine blade regeneration: a literature review on common technologies in terms of machining, Int J Adv Manuf Technol 81 (5-8), S. 917–924
DOI: 10.1007/s00170-015-7256-2 -
(2015): Analysis of Chatter Vibration and Tool Deflection in Milling with a Novel Active Machine Tool Guide, In: Applied Mechanics and Materials 794, S. 331–338
DOI: 10.4028/ -
(2015): Scheduling resource-constrained projects with a flexible project structure Kellenbrink, European Journal of Operational Research 246 (2), S. 379–391
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.05.003 -
(2015): High-precision surface measurement with an automated multiangle low coherence interferometer, Applied Optics 54 (6), S. 1232
DOI: 10.1364/AO.54.001232 -
(2015): Differences and similarities between the induced residual stresses after ball end milling and orthogonal cutting of Ti–6Al–4V, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 226, S. 15–24
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2015.06.033 -
(2015): Combined brazing and alitising process for thermally sprayed Ni-based alloys for the repair of turbine blades, Thermal Spray Bulletin 2015 (8) (2), S. 56–61
(2014): Methodology for evaluating hot gas path defects in an exhaust jet, Aerospace Science and Technology 39 (Vol. 39), S. 120–127
DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2014.08.011 -
(2014): Evaluation of electromagnetic guides in machine tools, Cirp Annals 63, S. 357–360
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2014.03.130 -
(2014): Residual stresses formation after re-contouring of welded Ti-6Al-4V parts by means of 5-axis ball nose end milling, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 7 (4), S. 347–360
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2014.07.001 -
(2014): Decision models for capacity planning in a regeneration environment, International Journal of Production Research 52 (23), S. 7007–7026
DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.923122 -
(2014): 3D multiscale crack propagation using the XFEM applied to a gas turbine blade, Comput Mech 53 (1), S. 173–188
DOI: 10.1007/s00466-013-0900-5 -
(2014): A stabilization technique for the regularization of nearly singular extended finite elements, Comput Mech 54 (2), S. 523–533
DOI: 10.1007/s00466-014-1003-7 -
(2014): Impact of Surface Roughness on the Turbulent Wake Flow of a Turbine Blade, Journal of Aerodynamics 2014, S. 1–9
DOI: 10.1155/2014/458757 -
(2013): Numerical simulation of process forces during re-contouring of welded parts considering different material properties, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 6 (3), S. 167–174
DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2013.05.001 -
(2013): Adaptive Cutting Force Control with a Hybrid Axis System, International Journal of Automation Technology 7 (4), S. 379–384
(2013): Validation of data fusion as a method for forecasting the regeneration workload for complex capital goods, Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 7 (2-3), S. 131–139
DOI: 10.1007/s11740-013-0444-8 -
(2013): An adaptive multiscale method for crack propagation and crack coalescence, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 93 (1), S. 23–51
DOI: 10.1002/nme.4373 -
(2013): Heat treatment of thermal sprayed Ni-base-fillermetal-NiCrAlY-coating systems for repairing turbine blades, Thermal Spray Bulletin 2013 (6) (2), S. 119–123
(2012): Time Resolved Full-Annulus Computations of a Turbine with Inhomogeneous Inlet Conditions, International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems 4,2, S. 01–07
International Scientific Journal Paper, not peer-reviewed
(2014): Heat Treatment of thermally sprayed Ni-based brazing materials NiCrAlY coating systems for the repair of turbine blades, Welding and Cutting 2014 (2), S. 108–111
(2014): Fringe projection measurement of highly specular objects in presence of multi-reflection, Computational vision and medical image processing IV. London: 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, London, S. 127–131
(2013): Fast Detection of Geometric Defects on Free-Form Surfaces Using Inverse Fringe Projection, The Journal of the CMSC 2013, S. 10–14
International Conference Paper, peer-reviewed
(2020): System Dynamics of a Single-Shaft Turbojet Engine Using Pseudo Bond Graph, In: Dillmann A., Heller G., Krämer E., Wagner C., Tropea C., Jakirlić S. (eds) New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XII. DGLR 2018. Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, vol 142. Springer, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-25253-3_41 -
(2020): Performance Simulation of Roughness Induced Module Variations of a Jet Propulsion by Using Pseudo Bond Graph Theory, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2020 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2020
DOI: 10.1115/GT2020-14456 -
(2020): Plasma nitriding Ti-6Al-4V with the aid non-transmitted plasma-arc using different protection atmosphere, Materials Today: Proceedings 30, S. 694–699
DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.01.524 -
(2020): Regeneration Supply Chain Model and Pool Stock Dimensioning, Nyhuis, P.; Herberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2020)
DOI: -
(2020): Disassembly sequencing in the regeneration of complex capital goods, Nyhuis, P.; Herberger, D.; Hübner, M. (Eds.): Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL 2020)
DOI: 10.15488/9642 -
(2020): Efficient Reliability Analysis of an Axial Compressor in Consideration of Epistemic Uncertainty, Piero Baraldi, Francesco Di Maio und Enrico Zio (Hg.): Proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference
(2019): Parametric Design of Blisk Repairs by Patching Considering High Cycle Fatigue, In: ASME (Hg.): Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2019. Phoenix, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, GT2019-90351
DOI: 10.1115/GT2019-90351 -
(2019): Advanced process design for re-contouring using a time-domain dynamic material removal simulation., 12th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (Hg.): Procedia CIRP 79 (2019), S. 21–26.
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.005 -
(2019): Jet Propulsion Engine Modelling Using Pseudo Bond Graph Approach, ASME Turbo Expo 2019
DOI: 10.1115/GT2019-90420 -
(2019): Simulation of the Impact of a Deteriorated High-Pressure Compressor on the Performance of a Turbofan Engine Using a Pseudo Bond Graph Modelling Approach, GPPS Peking 2019
(2019): Numerical Simulation of Gas Turbine Burning Chamber Combustion with Defined Burner Defects, Proceedings of the Global Power & Propulsion Forum (GPPF) 2019.
(2019): Characterization of supply chains in the regeneration of complex capital goods., Dimitrov, D., Hagedorn-Hansen, D. und Leipzig, K. von (Hg.): International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA 19), 31 January-2 February 2019, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Knowledge valorization in the age of digitalization. S. 444–449.
(2019): Improving Aerothermal and Aeromechanical Turbomachinery Design by Combining High-Fidelity Methods with Multi-Stage Approaches., Gas Turbine Society of Japan (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2019 Tokyo
(2019): A vibration control for disassembly of turbine blades, Procedia CIRP 79 (2), S. 180–185
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2019.02.041 -
(2019): Multidimensional Resilience Decision-Making On A Multistage High-Speed Axial Compressor, Beer, M. und Zio, E. (Hg.): Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2019), 22-26 September, Hannover, DE., S. 1357–1364
(2019): Numerical Study of Stage Roughness Variations in a High Pressure Compressor, Gas Turbine Society of Japan (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2019 Tokyo.
(2019): A Learning Method for Automated Disassembly, Svetan Ratchev (Hg.): Precision Assembly in the Digital Age, Bd. 530. Cham: Springer International Publishing (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology), S. 63–71
(2018): Ball end milling of titanium TIG weld material and the effect of SiC addition – process forces and shape deviations, 6th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, TESConf 2017. 7-8 November 2017, Bremen, Germany, Seite 74-81
DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2018.01.011 -
(2018): Near-Wing Multi-Sensor Diagnostics of Jet Engine Components, ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition; Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018
DOI: 10.1115/GT2018-76793 -
(2018): Automated Condition Evaluation of Hot-Gas Path Components of Jet Engines through Exhaust Jet Analysis, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2018, 11-15 June 2018, Oslo, Norway, GT2018-75384
(2018): Towards Immersed Boundary Methods for Complex Roughness Structures in Scale-Resolving Simulations, 32nd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2018), 22-25 May 2018, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
ISBN: 78-0-9932440-6-3 -
(2018): Experimental Validation of Forced Response Methods in a Multi-Stage Axial Turbine, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2018, 11-15 June 2018, Oslo, Norway, GT2018-75390
(2018): Blade Vibration Measurements in a Multi-Stage Axial Turbine with Geometric Variations, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, 8-12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, AIAA 2018-0952
DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-0952 -
(2018): Scheduling Multiple Flexible Projects with Different Variants of Genetic Algorithms, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome (Italy), pp. 128-131
(2018): Deterioration effects of coupled blisk blades, Global Power and Propulsion Forum, Proceedings of Montreal 2018
(2018): Decision-Making for Resilience-Enhancing Endowments in Complex Systems using Principles of Risk Measures, Proc. of the 6th Intl. Symposium on Reliability Engineering and RiskManagement (6ISRERM)Resilience and Sustainability of Urban Systems.
DOI: 10.3850/978-981-11-2726-7_CRR06 -
(2018): Scheduling resource-constrained projects with makespan-dependent revenues and costly overcapacity, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, Rome (Italy), pp. 205-208
(2018): Simulation-Based Determination of Disassembly Forces, 7th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS 2018). Procedia CIRP 76 (2018), 13 – 18
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2018.01.022 -
(2017): Priority based planning approaches for regeneration processes, Procedia CIRP 2017 (59), 89-94
(2017): Influence of Geometric Imperfections on Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Behavior of a Compressor Blisk, In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, USA, GT2017-63556
(2017): Sensitivity analysis of blisk airfoil wear, ISROMAC 2017 - 17th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Maui, USA, Dec 16-21.
(2017): Survival signature approach for the reliability analysis of an axial compressor., In: Cepin, M. et al. (eds.) Safety and Reliability – Theory and Application: ESREL 2017, Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2017), Taylor & Francis Group, London.
(2017): Advanced Characterization Techniques for Turbine Blade Wear and Damage, Procedia CIRP Bd. 59: ELSEVIER, S. 83–88
(2017): Influence of Blade Repairs on Compressor Blisk Vibration considering Aerodynamic Damping and Mistuning, GPPS (Hg.): Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society Conference. Shanghai
(2017): Reduced Order Modeling of Mistuned Bladed Disks Considering Aerodynamic Coupling and Mode Family Interaction, In: Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics & Thermodynamics (ETC12), April 3-7, Stockholm, Sweden, ETC2017-242
(2017): Development of a Methodology for the Determination of Conceptual Automated Disassembly Systems., In: Thorsten Schüppstuhl, Jörg Franke und Kirsten Tracht (Hg.): Tagungsband des 2. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 83–91.
(2016): Numerical Evaluation of the Condition of a Jet Engine through Exhaust Jet Analysis, In: ASME (Hg.): Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016
(2016): Prediction of the Principal Stress Direction for 5-axis Ball End Milling, Procedia CIRP 45, S. 291–294
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2016.02.145 -
(2016): Automatic Detection of Defects in an Annular Swirl Burner Array Through an Exhaust Jet Pattern Analysis, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, S. 1–10
(2016): Aerodynamic Excitation for Variable Tip Gap, In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition
(2016): An Acoustic Excitation System for the Generation of Turbomachinery Specific Sound Fields: Part II - Experimental Verification, In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea
(2016): Model-based analysis of reassembly processes within the regeneration of complex capital goods, In: Procedia CIRP 2016 (55), S. 206
(2016): An Acoustic Excitation System for the Generation of Turbomachinery Specific Sound Fields: Part I - Design and Methodology, In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea
(2016): Regeneration of high pressure turbine blades. Development of a hybrid brazing and aluminizing process by means of thermal spraying, In: Proceida CIRP. The 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services (TESConf 2016): Elsevier B.V, S. 5.
(2016): Aerodynamical and Strucutral Analysis of Operationally used Turbine Blades, In: 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services, Cranfield, England
(2016): Early Defect Detection on an annular Swirl-Burner-Array by Optical Measuring Exhaust Gases and Numerical Analysis, In: Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2016, June 13-17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea
(2015): Influence of a Multi-Hole Pressure Probe on the Flow Field in Axial-Turbines, European Turbomachinery Conference ETC11. Madrid
(2015): Prediction of the 3D Surface Topography after Ball End Milling and its Influence on Aerodynamics, Procedia CIRP 31, S. 221–227
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.03.049 -
(2015): Simulation and Evaluation of Different Process Strategies in a 5-axis Re-contouring Process, Procedia CIRP 35, S. 31–37
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2015.08.059 -
(2015): Application of an Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm to Tomographic BOS Measurements, In: Gas Turbine Society of Japan (Hg.): Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Congress 2015, Japan, S. 1214–1221
(2015): Forced Response Excitation due to Variances in a Multi-Stage Axial Turbine, Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Congress 2015, Tokyo, Japan
(2015): Experimental Investigation of the Aerodynamic Effect of Local Surface Roughness on a Turbine Blade, In: Gas Turbine Society of Japan (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Gas, S. 371–380.
(2015): Design Process of a 1.5-Stage Axial Compressor for Experimental Flutter Investigations, In: Proceedings of the International Gas Turbine Congress 2015, Tokyo, Japan, S. 1130–1139
(2015): Development of a compact low coherence interferometer based on GPGPU for fast microscopic surface measurement on turbine blades, SPIE Optical Metrology 2015, Proc. SPIE 9525, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IX, 95250R (pp. 95250R-95250R), Munich
DOI: 10.1117/12.2184749 -
(2015): Single-Crystal (SX) Laser Cladding of CMSX4, 8th Brazilian Congress of Manufacturing Engineering (COBEF). Brazilian Society of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences. Salvador / Brazil, 22.05.2015
(2014): Recent Progress in Turbine Blade and Compressor Blisk Regeneration, 3rd International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services; Session: Recent Progress in Jet-Engine Regeneration, Bd. 22. Cranfield, England, S. 256–262
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.07.016 -
(2014): Experimentally Verified Study of Regeneration-Induced Forced Response in Axial Turbines, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2014, S. GT2014-25664
(2014): Approaches for Improving Cutting Processes and Machine Tools in Re-contouring, Procedia CIRP 22, S. 239–242
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.06.148 -
(2014): Conceptual Design for Electromagnetic Guided Rotary Table in Machine Tools, Procedia CIRP 24, S. 80–85
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.08.010 -
(2014): From Fuzzy Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Data to Reliable Capacity Planning, New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry Proceedings of the 4th Machining Innovations Conference, Hannover, September 2013: Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014, S. 181–186
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01964-2_24 -
(2014): First Results on Quality-Oriented Scheduling of Flexible Projects, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling, S. 129–132
(2014): First results on resource-constrained project scheduling with model-endogenous decision on the project structure, Operations research proceedings 2012, Selected papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, September 5-7, 2012. Cham: Springer, S. 429–434
(2014): Planning the Regeneration Processes of Complex Capital Goods, Procedia CIRP 24, S. 140–145
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.08.001 -
(2014): Numerical investigation of circumferential coupled deterioration effects of a jet engine compressor front stage compared to BLISK geometry, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services 2014 (22), S. 249–255
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.07.006 -
(2014): Dynamic Behavior of a Mistuned Air Turbine: Comparison Between Simulations and Measurements, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. Düsseldorf, Germany, S. V07BT33A015
DOI: 10.1115/GT2014-26025 -
(2014): Crack Repair of Single Crystal Turbine Blades Using Laser Cladding Technology, Procedia CIRP 22, S. 263–267
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.06.151 -
(2014): Challenges for Single-Crystal (SX) Crack Cladding, Physics Procedia 56, S. 301–308
DOI: 10.1016/j.phpro.2014.08.175 -
(2014): Multiscale Optical Inspection Systems for the Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods, Procedia CIRPProceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services, Bd. 22: ELSEVIER, S. 243–248
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2014.07.019 -
(2014): Multiscale Optical Inspection Systems for the Regeneration of Complex Capital Goods, Procedia CIRP. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in Through-life Engineering Services, Bd. 22: ELSEVIER, S. 243–248
(2013): Impact of Defects and Damage in Aircraft Engines on the Exhaust Jet, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3-7 June 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013-95709
(2013): Experimental Demonstration of Analyzing an Engine's Exhaust Jet with the Background-Oriented Schlieren Method, AIAA Ground Testing Conference, 24-27 June 2013, San Diego, USA
(2013): Early Assessment of Defects and Damage in Jet Engines, International Through-Life Engineering Services Conference, Bd. 11. Cranfield, England, S. 328–333
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2013.07.022 -
(2013): Regeneration-Induced Forced Response in Axial Turbines, ASME Turbo Expo 2013Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA. San Antonio, Texas, USA, S. V07BT33A010
DOI: 10.1115/GT2013-95431 -
(2013): Influence of Regeneration-Induced Variances of Stator Vanes on the Vibration Behavior of Rotor Blades in Axial Turbines, 10th European Conference on Turbomachinery. Lappeenranta, Finland, S. 235–247
(2013): Aerodynamic Effects of Non-Uniform Surface Roughness on a Turbine Blade, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo. ASME. San Antonio, 01.01.2013
(2013): Numerical Investigation on the Influence of Anisotropic Surface Roughness on the Skin Friction, Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Turbomachinery (ETC), 15-19 April 2013. Lappeenranta University of Technlogy. Lappeenranta, Finnland, 01.01.2013
(2012): Milling Simulation of Welded Aero Engine Components, Proceedings of the 3rd Machining Innovations Conference, S. 403–410
(2012): Adaptive Cutting Force Control on a Milling Machine with Hybrid Axis Configuration, Procedia CIRP 4, S. 109–114
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2012.10.020 -
(2011): Time Resolved Full-Annulus Computations of a Turbine with Inhomogeneous Inlet Conditions, International Gas Turbine Congress 2011 Osaka, Japan, IGTC2011-0175
(2011): Kinematic and Stochastic Surface Topography of Machined TiAl6V4-Parts by Means of Ball Nose End Milling, 1st CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI), Bd. 19, S. 81–87
DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2011.11.083 -
(2011): The Influence of Blade Properties on the Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks, ASME 2011 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, S. 1159–1170
DOI: 10.1115/GT2011-46826 -
(2010): Multi-sensor Disturbance Force Measurement for Compliant Mechanical Structures, 9th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors, S. 2518–2524
DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2010.5690446 -
(2010): Capacity Planning and Coordination with Fuzzy Load Information, The Business Review, Cambridge 16 (1), S. 259–264
International Conference Paper, not peer-reviewed
(2020): The Effect of Rough-Wall Boundary Conditions on RANS-Based Transition Prediction, Proceedings of Global Power and Propulsion Society
DOI: 10.33737/gpps20-tc-53 -
(2019): Improving Blade Re-contouring Processes Using an Advanced Process Simulation And a Novel Machine Tool, Advanced Manufacturing & Repair for Gas Turbines (AMRGT). ASME. Berlin
(2019): Automatic Defect Detection in a Model Combustion Chamber Using Support Vector Machine., Portuguese Section of the Combustion Institute (Hg.): 9th European Combustion Meeting. Lisbon.
(2018): Experimental Validation of a Forced Response Analysis Using a Time-Linearized Method, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum
DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-0461 -
(2018): Analysis of local roughness combinations on the aerodynamic properties of a compressor blade, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, 8-12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, AIAA2018-0345
(2018): Experimental Defect Detection in a Swirl-Burner Array Through Exhaust Jet Analysis, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, 8-12 January 2018, Kissimmee, Florida, USA, AIAA2018-0303
DOI: 10.2514/6.2018-0303 -
(2018): Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Anisotropic Surface Structures on the Boundary Layer Flow, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Hg.): 2018 AIAA SciTech Forum Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, USA
(2017): Approach of Future Defect Detection in Aircraft Engines by Optical Measuring Exhaust Gases, Combustion Institute (Hg.): Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting
(2017): Thermo-mechanical modeling of turbine blades taking into account structural defects, 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Weimar, 2017
(2017): Heat treatment of the thermally sprayed coating system NiCrSi/NiCoCrAlY/Al for repair brazing high pressure turbine blades, In: ITSC 2017. DVS-Berichte, Band: 336. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf, 2017, S. 462-466
(2016): Applications of high frequency eddy current technology for material characterization of thin coatings, Proceedings 12th International Conference The "A" Coatings 2016, S. 37–43, Garbsen: PZH Verlag
(2016): Material Characterization of Thin Coatings Using High Frequency Eddy Current Technology., World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing; WCNDT. München.
(2016): Probabilistic CFD-Analysis of Regeneration-Induced Geometry Variances in a Low-Pressure Turbine, In: 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Propulsion and Energy Forum, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, S. AIAA 2016--4555.
(2016): Applications of high frequency induction thermography in the megahertz range for material characterization of turbine components, Proceedings 12th International Conference The "A" Coatings 2016, S. 31–36, Garbsen: PZH Verlag
(2016): Non-Destructive Damage Detection and Material Characterization of Turbine Components Using Megahertz Range Induction Thermography in Pulsed Mode, In: 19th Proceedings of World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing; WCNDT. Munich, Germany
(2016): Development of new laser technologies for repairing single crystal turbine blades, Int. Laser- und Fügesymposium. Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik IWS. Dresden, 01.01.2016
(2016): Thermo-mechanical contact between crack surfaces in the eXtended Finite Element Method, ECCOMAS 2016: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Crete Island
(2016): Thermo-mechanical contact between crack surfaces in the eXtended Finite Element Method, CMIS 2016: Contact Mechanics International Symposium. Warsaw, Poland
(2016): Development of an edge sensor based on polyview optics and laser triangulation principle, In: International Society for Optics and Photonics (Hg.): SPIE/COS Photonics Asia (inproceedings) S. 100231
(2015): Mistuning of Blisks During Milling Process - Manufacturing and Repair, In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (Hg.): Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress (DLRK)
(2015): On the resulting aerodynamic loss of combinations of localized surface roughness patches on a turbine blade, In: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Hg.): 33rd AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference Dallas
(2015): Towards Quantifying Effects of Refractive Index Mismatch on PIV Results, Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV15, 14-16 September 2015, Santa Barbara, USA
(2015): Tomographic Background Oriented Schlieren Applications for Turbomachinery , 53rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (invited), 5-9 January 2015, Kissimmee, Florida
DOI: 10.2514/6.2015-1690 -
(2015): Influence of Combustion Chamber Defects on the Forced Response Behavior of Turbine Blades. , Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics & Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines, ISUAAAT14, 8-11 September 2015, Stockholm, Schweden, S. 9
(2015): A multiscale projection method for the thermomechanical simulation of the interaction of microcracks with a macrocrack, X-DMS 2015, eXtended Discretization Methods, Ferrara, Italy, September 9-11, 2015
(2015): Compact Optical Sensor for the Measurement of Surface Microtopographies on Turbine Blades, AMA Conference 2015, Proceedings SENSOR 2015, Nürnberg, Germany
DOI: 10.5162/sensor2015/C6.3 -
(2015): Development of a two-stage hybrid technology for repairing turbine blades, Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition 2015. ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, S. 37–40
(2015): Future regeneration processes for high pressure turbine blades, 64. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015, 22-24 September 2015. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.®. Rostock, 24.09.2015
(2015): A rigid borescopic fringe projection system for 3D measurement for hard to access areas and limited space - Viboscop, CMSC 2015. Coordinate Metrology Society. Miami, FL, USA, 21.08.2015.
(2014): Application of the Background-Oriented Schlieren Method for the Analysis of an Engine's Exhaust Jet, XXII Biannual Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery, 4-5 September 2014, Lyon, France
(2014): 3D error controlled adaptive XFEM simulation of ductile fracture on multiple scales, WCCM. IACM. Barcelona, 01.01.2014
(2014): Common application of Ni-based fillermetals and hotgascorrosion protection coatings by means of thermal spraying with subsequent heat treatment for near net shape turbineblade repairing, Proceedings / 11th International Conference THE "A" Coatings in Manufacturing Engineering, 1 - 3 October 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki: Ed. Ziti, S. 179–184
(2014): Endoskopische 3D-Messtechnik, DGaO Proceedings 2014 (5)
(2014): On the development of a low-cost rigid borescopic fringe projection system, Front Matter: Volume 9450: SPIE digital library
DOI: 10.1117/12.2067310 -
(2013): High Frequency Eddy-Current and Induction Thermography Inspection Techniques, 18th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation. Bratislava, SK, 24.06.2013
(2013): Influence of Combustion Chamber Disturbances to Patterns in the Hot Gas Path, European Combustion Meeting 2013
(2013): An adaptive multiscale method for three-dimensional crack propagation in elasto-plastic media, XFEM conference. Lyon, 01.01.2013
(2013): Three-dimensional crack propagation in ductile media using the XFEM, CFRAC. Prag, 01.01.2013
(2013): Data quality estimation from interdependencies for structural light scanners, Tavares, João Manuel R. S. und Jorge, R. M. Natal (Hg.): Computational vision and medical image processing IV, S. 191–195
(2013): Single Crystal Crack Cladding of CMSX-4, 24th Advanced Aerospace Materials and Processes (AeroMat) Conference and Exposition. American Society for Metals. Bellevue / USA, 03.05.2013
(2012): A fully adaptive multiscale framework for three dimensional crack propagation using the XFEM, WCCM. Sao Paulo, 01.01.2012
(2012): A multiscale framework for 3D crack propagation using the XFEM, ECCOMAS. Wien, 01.01.2012
(2012): Multi-Scale Inspection of Worn Surfaces for Product Regeneration, MSC 2012, New Orleans: Spring 2013, S. 28–32
(2012): A New Hybrid Process for Repair Brazing and Coating of Turbine Blades, Thermal Spray 2012: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition. Ohio: ASM International, S. 110–113
(2012): Reduced Order Model of Mistuned Bladed Disks Using the Krylov-Subspace Combined with the Craig-Bamton Reduction Technique, In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics: Blucher Mechanical Engineering Proceedings, S. 899–908
DOI: 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-18187 -
(2012): Using Inverse Fringe Projection to Speed Up the Detection of Local and Global Geometry Defects on Free Form Surfaces, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8500
DOI: 10.1117/12.928700
ISBN: 9780819492173 -
(2012): Single Crystal (SX) Laser Cladding of CMSX-4, Icaleo 2012. LIA - Laser Institute of America. Anaheim / USA, 28.09.2012
(2011): Inverse Methods in Turbomachinery Applications, Aachen Conference on Computational Engineering Science (ACCES). Aachen, 01.01.2011
(2011): Crack coalescence in a multiscale framework, CFRAC. Barcelona, 01.01.2011
(2011): Crack propagation and crack coalescence in a multiscale framework, USNCCM. USACM. Minneapolis, 01.01.2011
(2011): Repair Brazing of Turbine Blades using Thermal Spraying, Proceedings. Thessaloniki: Ed. Ziti, S. 347–352
(2010): Virtual Inverse Fringe Projection, CMSC 2010. CMSC. Reno, Nevada, USA, 01.01.2010
National Scientific Journal Paper, peer-reviewed
(2016): Controlling in Sonderforschungsbereichen, Forschung: Politik, Strategie, Management 9. Jahrgang (Heft 2, 2016) (2), 45-53
(2015): Demontage bei verfestigten Verbindungen*/Disassembly in the case of solidified connections, wt 105 (09), S. 604–609
DOI: 10.37544/1436-4980-2015-09-46 -
(2013): Bauteilregeneration bei einkristalliner Gefügestruktur, Werkstattstechnik online 103 (6), S. 476–480
(2012): Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter - Potenziale für Kapazitätsplanung und -steuerung sowie Auftragsannahme, Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 2012 (10), S. 761–765
(2012): Messtechnische Analyse formflexibler Spannmethoden, wt Werkstattstechnik online 102 (11), S. 795–800
National Scientific Journal Paper, not peer-reviewed
(2021): Abdrängungsausgleich mittels elektromagnetischer Führungen, mav - Innovation in der spanenden Fertigung, Bd. 10, S. 84–87
(2020): Einsatz eines virtuellen Werkstückzwillings - Für die digitalisierte und vernetzte Instandsetzung von Hochdruckturbinenschaufeln, WB Werkstatt und Betrieb, Bd. 153, S. 43
(2020): Magnetische Führungssysteme optimieren die Zerspanung, MM-Maschinenmarkt, 126-17, S. 75–79
(2020): Optimierte Zerspanung: magnetische Führung., Schweizer Maschinenmarkt (SMM), Bd. 20, S. 45–58.
(2019): Automatisierte Regeneration von Triebwerkskomponenten - Zustandsbasierte Regeneration von komplexen Investitionsgütern, MAV, S. 100–102 More info
(2019): Kompensation der Abdrängung beim Rekonturieren von Triebwerksschaufeln, Ingenieurspiegel Ausgabe März, S. 20–22
(2018): Prozessauslegung für die Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter, Unter Span, Ausgabe 2018, S. 22-23
(2018): Durchgängige modellbasierte Bewertung von Regenerationslieferketten, ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 113 (4), S. 220–224
DOI: 10.3139/104.111893 -
(2017): Bewertung von Gestaltungsoptionen in der Regeneration, ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 2017 (112) (6), 396-400
(2016): Gestaltung von Regenerationslieferketten - Bewertung der Synchronität mithilfe des Bereitstellungsdiagrammes, In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 2016 (12), 809-812
(2016): Werkzeugwege für den individuellen Reparaturfall, In: phi 2016, S. 3.
(2015): Konfiguration von regenerationsspezifischen Gestaltungsoptionen, Zeitschrift für den wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 2015 (5) (110), S. 277–280
(2013): Mathematische Modelle zur bedarfsgerechten Kapazitätsplanung, ZWF 108 (07-08/2013), S. 552–555
(2013): Einfluss betriebs- und regenerationsbedingter Varianzen von Turbinenschaufeln, International Journal for Electricity and Heat Generation VGB PowerTech 2013 (11), S. 51–58
(2012): Verfügbarkeitsoptimierung in der Kapazitätsplanung, ZWF 107 (12), S. 903–907
(2012): Entwicklung einer Schadensbibliothek für die Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter, Industrie Management 28 (2), S. 58–61
(2012): Regeneration ziviler Flugzeugtriebwerke, Internationales Verkehrswesen 64 (2), S. 65–68
(2012): Nachweis von lokalen Schädigungen an Hochleistungsbauteilen mit Hochfrequenz Wirbelstromtechniken und Induktions-Thermografie, DACH-Jahrestagung 2012 Zerstörungsfreie Materialprüfung. Berlin: DGZfP
(2011): Den Exoten auf der Spur: Anwendungsgerechte Zerspanung von Leichtbauwerkstoffen, WB Werkstatt + Betrieb 2011 (9), S. 60–64
(2011): Ein generisches Prozessmodell für die Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter, ZWF 106 (11), S. 861–865
(2011): 3D Messtechnik für Inspektion und In-Situ Überwachung, Ingenieurspiegel, S. 71–72
(2010): Kapazitätsplanung und -abstimmung bei unscharfen Belastungsinformationen, ZWF 105 (4), S. 323–327
(2010): Forschen am IFW: Nach allen Regeln der Zerspankunst, phi - Produktionstechnik Hannover informiert, 11 (2010) 2, S. 16-17
National Conference Paper, peer-reviewed
(2018): Entwicklung einer Hochfrequenz-Induktionsthermografie und -Wirbelstromtechnik zur Fehlerprüfung und Charakterisierung der Schichtsysteme von Triebwerksbeschaufelung im Schaufelkanal, DGZfP-Jahrestagung 2018; 7. bis 9. Mai, Leipzig.
(2017): Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen zur Detektion von Defekten an einer Modellbrennkammer, 28. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 2302, S. 445-456
National Conference Paper, not peer-reviewed
(2021): Abschätzung der lokalen Schmidt-Zahl im turbulenten Mischungskanal mithilfe von neuronalen Netzen, 30. Deutscher Flammentag nachhaltige Verbrennung, Hannover, 28.-29.09.2021
(2020): Investigation of Multiharmonic Effects in a Single Stage High Speed Compressor, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2019, Darmstadt
DOI: 10.25967/490212 -
(2020): SFB 871 – Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter Systemdemonstrator, New Production Technologies in the Aerospace Industry, Bd. 2020, S. 39–52
(2019): Modellierung der turbulenten Diffusion anhand von Untersuchungen am Strömungskanal, 29. Deutscher Flammentag 2019
(2016): Fast Methods for Structural Analysis of Gas Turbine Blades with Manufacturing Imperfections, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig 13. - 15. September 2016
(2016): Gefüge und Mechanische Eigenschaften impfbehandelter Schweißnähte an Titan, In: DVS Berichte Band 327, Große Schweißteschnische Tagung Leipzig. Düsseldorf, 49-53
(2015): Fehlerfrüherkennung von Brennkammerdefekten einer Ringbrennkammer aus einem 8-Drallbrenner-Array mittels optischer Abgasstrahlanalyse und numerischer Zuordnung, 27. Deutscher Flammentag Verbrennung und Feuerung, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag, S. 393–402
(2015): Correlation of Defects in an Annular Swirl-Burner-Array by Optical Measuring Exhaust Gases and Numerical Analysis, 64. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2015, 22-24 September 2015, Rostock
(2015): Performance impact of high pressure compressor blisk roughness., DLRK 2015. DGLR. Rostock, 01.01.2015.
(2015): Lichtbogenschweißen von Titanlegierungen - Einfluss von Impfmitteln auf das Schweißgefüge von TiAl6V4, Tagungsband 1. Niedersächsisches Symposium Materialtechnik12. bis 13. Februar 2015. 1. Aufl. Herzogenrath: Shaker (Fortschrittsberichte der Materialforschung und Werkstofftechnik / Bulletin of Materials Research and Engineering, 1), S. 176–185
(2014): Regenerationsbedingte Nachlauferregung in Axialturbinen, Instationäre Aerodynamik und Aeroelastik in Turbomaschinen. Institut für Energietechnik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Bochum, 05.03.2014
(2014): Potentiale elektromagnetischer Linearführungen in Werkzeugmaschinen, ZWF 109, S. 625–628
(2014): Schicht-und Bauteilfehlerprüfung mit HF-Wirbelstromprüftechnik und HF-Induktionsthermografie, 390. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Niedersachen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung. Garbsen, 30.01.2014
(2013): Detektion von Triebwerksbrennkammerfehlern durch Analyse von Temperatur- und Speziesprofilen der Heißgase einer Modell-Brennkammer, Deutscher Flammentag 2013
(2013): Einfluss lokaler Rauheiten auf die aerodynamischen Verluste von Turbinenschaufeln, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2013, 10-12 September. Stuttgart
(2013): Assessment of used turbine blades on and beneath the surface for product regeneration. Generation of a damage model based on reflection, geometry measurement and thermography, CLEO 2013, 16.5.2013 München
(2013): Technik entdecken - Schüler-Lehrer-Tag an der Universität Hannover, Inquiry-based Learning - Forschendes Lernen Jahrestagung in Hannover 2012. Kiel: IPN (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, 33), S. 659–661
(2012): Dexterous Regeneration Cell for the Repair of Aircraft Engine Components, Neue Fertigungstechnologien der Luft- und Raumfahrt. Universität Hannover, I. F.W. Hannover, 01.01.2012
(2012): Stochastische Untersuchungen regenerationsbedingter Imperfektionen einer Turbinenschaufel: Modellierung des deterministischen Modells zur effizienten Berechnung des Schwingungs- und Festigkeitsverhaltens, 5. Dresdner-Probabilistik-Workshop. Dresden, S. 1–11
(2011): Nachhaltige Regeneration von Flugzeugtriebwerken, DLRK 2011 in der Session Innovation aus Niedersachsen Leichtbau und Triebwerktechnik. German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Bremen, 01.01.2011
(2011): Reparaturlöten von Turbinenschaufeln mittels thermischen Spritzens, Tagungsband zum 14. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium & 9. Industriefachtagung Oberflächen- und Wärmebehandlungstechnik. Chemnitz: Eigenverlag, S. 231–236
(2011): Optimierung eines endoskopischen Streifenprojektionssystems, Spani Molella, Luca Spani (Hg.): Vierter Workshop Optische Technologien. Tagungsband ; 17 - 18 November 2010. Garbsen: PZH, Produktionstechn. Zentrum
(2010): Neue Lösungswege für das Reparaturlöten und -beschichten von Turbinenschaufeln, Neue Fertigungstechnologien in der Luft- und Raumfahrt, Machining Innovations Conference; Tagungsband, 23. und 24. November 2010, Hannover, S. 435–447; Garbsen: PZH, Produktionstechn. Zentrum (Berichte aus dem IFW, 2010,8),
(2019): Advances in Production Management Systems. Towards Smart Production Management Systems, Springer International Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-030-29996-5 -
(2018): Methodik einer Zustandsbeurteilung von Triebwerksbrennkammern, Garbsen: TEWISS (Berichte aus dem ITV)
(2013): Rahmenbedingungen der industriellen Regeneration von zivilen Flugzeugtriebwerken, 2013. Norderstedt: BoD-Verlag
(2021): Steuerung des Erstarrungsgefüges der Titanlegierung Ti-6Al-4V beim Wolfram-Inertgas-Schweißen, TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
ISBN: 978-3-95900-647-7 -
(2020): Heuristiken für die gewinnorientierte Planung ressourcenbeschränkter Projekte mit erweiterbaren Kapazitäten., Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH
ISBN: 978-3-658-31609-9 -
(2018): Methodik einer Zustandsbeurteilung von Triebwerksbrennkammern, TEWISS-Verlag: Berichte aus dem ITV, Band 1/2018
ISBN: 978-3-95900-228-8 -
(2018): Revenue-Management-Ansatz für eine Annahmesteuerung kundenspezifischer Regenerationsaufträge komplexer Investitionsgüter, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
(2018): Modellgestütztes Ersatzteilmanagement in der Regeneration komplexer Invstitionsgüter, Garbsen: TEWISS Verlag
(2017): In-situ-Erfassung der Werkstoffumwandlung und Gefügeausbildung mittels Wirbelstromtechnik, Berichte aus dem IW 02/2017, PZH Verlag, Garbsen 2017
ISBN: 3959001347 -
(2017): Potentiale einer elektromagnetischen Führung in Fräsmaschinen und ihr Nutzen für die Reparaturbearbeitung, Berichte aus dem IFW, Band 03/2017, 145 S., PZH Produktionstechnisches Zentrum
ISBN: 978-3-95900-126-7 -
(2017): Multiscale and multimodal geometric measurement and data fusion technologies for robot guided surface metrology, Berichte aus dem IMR, PZH Verlag, Garbsen 2017
ISBN: 3959001487 -
(2017): Schwingungsverhalten verstimmter zyklischer Systeme und deren Optimierung durch bewusste Verstimmung, Berichte aus dem IDS, Band 02/2017, PZH Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-95900-132-8 -
(2015): Modellierung zyklischer Strukturen mit Unsicherheiten und theoretische Betrachtung der Energielokalisierung in verstimmten Schaufelkränzen, Berichte aus dem IDS, Band 01/2015, PZH Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-95900-009-3 -
(2015): Randzonenbeeinflussung durch die Rekonturierung komplexer Investitionsgüter aus Ti-6Al-4V, Berichte aus dem IFW, Band 07/2015, 111 S., PZH Produktionstechnisches Zentrum
ISBN: 978-3-95900-056-7 -
(2014): Zustandsbeurteilung eines Triebwerks durch die Analyse des Abgasstrahls, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Berichte aus Institut für Turbomaschinen und Fluid-Dynamik Band 6/2014
(2014): Kapazitätsplanung und -abstimmung für die Regeneration komplexer Investitionsgüter, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Garbsen: Berichte aus dem IFA
ISBN: 978-3-944586-77-9 -
(2014): Erweiterungen der Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Magnetführungen, Berichte aus dem IFW, Band 05/2014, PZH, Garbsen, 2014
ISBN: 978-3-944586-71-7 -
(2014): Einfluss komplexer Oberflächenstrukturen auf das aerodynamische Verlustverhalten von Turbinenbeschaufelungen, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Berichte aus Turbomaschinen und Fluid-Dynamik, Band 4/2014
(2014): Multiscale crack propagation and crack coalescence using the XFEM, Dissertation B14/1, Institut für Kontinuumsmechanik
(2014): Ressourcenbeschränkte Projektplanung für flexible Projekte, 2014. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
ISBN: 978-3-65802-870-1 -
(2014): Fast detection and analysis of geometry defects on free form surfaces using model-based inverse fringe projection, 2014. Garbsen: TEWISS - Technik und Wissen GmbH (Berichte aus dem imr, 04/2014)
ISBN: 978-3-94458-691-5 -
(2012): Grundmodell zur Kapazitäts- und Belastungsabstimmung eines Arbeitssystems in der Regeneration, Berichte aus dem IFA, Garbsen 2012
ISBN: 978-3-943104-60-8