Subproject D2 Performance Map Analysis (finished 2013)

Research project D2 pursues to enable and validate a Variable-Fidelity-Model to determine loss correlations for turbines, by applying and combining numerical methods of varying speed and accuracy. In this way, turbine blade losses are obtained over a wide range of validity and at a high degree of precision. The new method is able to substitute the common loss correlations that show inaccuracies particularly for degenerated turbines. Furthermore, the effect of combustion chamber defects on the turbine power and efficiency is analyzed and characterized.


International Conference Paper, peer-reviewed

  • Adamczuk, R.; Buske, C.; Roehle, I.; Hennecke, C.; Dinkelacker, F.; Seume, J. R. (2013): Impact of Defects and Damage in Aircraft Engines on the Exhaust JetProceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 3-7 June 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013-95709
All publications of the Collaborative Research Centre